Alicia's Bible Blog
Wisdom 7:16. "For both we and our words are in his hand, as are all understanding and skill in crafts."
Solomon is extolling the virtues of wisdom, which God has granted to him - "I prayed and understanding was given me; I called upon God, and the spirit of wisdom came to me." (Wisdom 7:7). He acknowledges, though, that God is "the guide of even wisdom and the corrector of the wise." (Wisdom 7:15).
Everything we have is from God and is meant to be used for His purposes. Wisdom includes the ability to recognize that and allow God to guide us even (especially!) when we have been granted great gifts. If we have been given understanding or skill, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking "Well, God gave me this gift, so I can do and say whatever I think best, because it must be coming from God." That is the sin of pride, a sin that is a great risk to people who have been blessed with wisdom.
Solomon himself fell into this trap. He disobeyed God's direction not to marry foreign wives, and he allowed those wives to lead him to false gods. (1 Kings 11:1-2). So wisdom does not protect us from temptation. In fact, it often makes it even easier to fall into great sin. We can avoid this if we always keep in mind who has given us the wisdom or talents we have, and ask Him how how wants us to use them.
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