
Alicia's Bible Blog



Proverbs 22:22-29. Do not rob the poor or crush the afflicted, God will despoil your life if you do. Do not be friends with someone prone to anger or wrath, or you may become like him. Do not pledge or give surety for another's debts or you may lose your own bed. "Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set." Men skillful at their work will stand before kings.


This is all very good advice, obviously, but I'm struck this morning especially by the proverb "Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set." Just recently I blocked about the importance of not removing landmarks and now it pops up again. I think it is very apropos for our time. It reminds me of G.K. Chesterton's warning about taking down a metaphorical fence when you don't know why it was erected in the first place. It shows a real lack of maturity and a disrespect for the wisdom of our ancestors.


Yet today we are all about tearing down literal and metaphorical statues, landmarks, fences, and borders. Many of this generation are so convinced that they know everything, they are so set in their ridiculous wrongness, that they gleefully tear down everything erected by the wisdom of our forefathers, cheering while doing it, and jeering anyone who recommends caution.


This will not end well. It already is not ending well.