Alicia's Bible Blog
Ezekiel 46:17 "But if [the prince] makes a gift out of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his to the year of liberty; then it shall revert to the prince; only his sons may keep a gift from his inheritance."
This gets back to the observation in The Only Unity God Wants Is Unity in Him, that God allots certain gifts to us for a reason, and wants us to keep and use those gifts, not attempt to equalize things by giving them away. God is not about equality in outcome, He is concerned with each of us being good stewards of what He has allotted to us. Yes, we do need to be charitable and concerned with the needs of the poor always, but we should not deplete our inheritance in doing so. God wants certain things kept in the family to whom He gave them. He certainly has reasons for this, one being that we have a special obligation to our offspring. A rule like this one keeps a prince from favoring a servant over his own bloodline, and thus fosters order in society.
Our children are entrusted to us in a special way and are entitled to our inheritance. Even if we don't get along with them, even if they are going astray, we have no right to take what God has blessed us with away from them. In His plan, there is a reason our families are to have these gifts, a reason that is playing out over time and generations.
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