Alicia's Bible Blog
Wisdom 16:5-7. When the serpents came upon the Israelites in the desert, God's wrath did not continue until the end. They were troubled for a while as a warning, and then given a sign of deliverance to remind them of the law. "For he who turned toward it was saved, but not by what he saw, but by ... the Savior of all."
God does not ever abandon us, although sometimes we have to suffer mightily. While it seems there is so much unnecessary suffering today, and sometimes we wonder when God is going to do something, we must remember that He already has. The Israelites did not have Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross to look to, so they were given a sign, a symbol. But we have Jesus - He is here, in every Tabernacle in the world. If we look to Him, we will be saved by Him.
© 2021