
Alicia's Bible Blog



Proverbs 10:13. "On the lips of him who has understanding wisdom is found, but a rod is for the back of him who lacks sense."


This is so inverted in our world today! People who speak nonsense are raised up, applauded as bringing some kind of great benefit to society, while in fact destroying the very foundations of it. Meanwhile, those who have wisdom and understanding are either silenced entirely or, when they are able to speak, branded as haters or dangers to society. Everything is so wrong right now; the world seems to be teetering on foundations that are about to crumble away at any moment, all because we refuse to listen to wisdom, and instead celebrate and mindlessly repeat nonsensical lies, lies that many have come to believe are truth; lies that we have taught to our children as truth.


We have spared the "rod"* from the back of those who lack sense, and we have spoiled everything!


*(The "rod" can be something as simple as telling them they are wrong and we will not go along with their lies - try that and see what happens!)




"Denial of objective truth is one of the signs of a society’s downfall. We live in a time filled with lies that deny objective truth and create pseudo-realities that can eventually lead to Totalitarianism. If enough people believe a lie, societies become unable to solve their problems and fail." Stefan Imhoff, in "The Gods of the Copybook Headings: A Warning Against Loss of Virtue, Morality, and Reason", June 12, 2021.


"We are surrounded by criminally insane people, and they are running the asylum. Except there are no asylums anymore, so they run the world instead." David Strom in "The Scottish Green Party Expels 13 Members for Saying 'Sex is a Biological Reality", May 17, 2024.