
Alicia's Bible Blog



Jeremiah 10:19-25. Jeremiah is lamenting his suffering - his wound is grievous, but he knows he must bear it. His tent is destroyed, all its cords are broken, and his children are gone. Even all of the "shepherds are stupid, and do not inquire of the Lord; therefore... all their flock is scattered." And he has heard a rumor - he foresees Judah being destroyed, being made a "lair of jackals." He knows that this is because they have been trying to forge their own path, and have not been seeking God's guidance; not letting God direct their steps. Jeremiah realizes that he, too, is guilty of this, and asks for correction, "but in just measure; not in thy anger, lest thou bring me to nothing." He asks God to punish those nations who do not know God and have "devoured Jacob."


Did I mention that I have been reading a lot of Jeremiah lately? This sounds so familiar, unfortunately! Jeremiah is suffering, as we all are right now, but he knows he has to bear it, as we all do right now. His tent is destroyed, the chords broken, his children are gone, and his leaders are stupid. Everything that made up Jeremiah support system has been taken from him. I have been feeling that so much during the lockdown - all of my "go-to" avenues of support are gone or teetering. This has forced me, though, to turn only to God, to rely only on him, and boy does he come through! He has put into my life new friendships, and deepened others. I have read, seen, and experienced things that are clearly guiding me to holiness! I see this as one of the lessons I was to learn from all of this - absolute, total trust in and surrender to him - nothing else will save me.


The "rumor" Jeremiah hears - the foreboding of doom - I feel too. This country, and the world in general, feel on the brink of disaster. I know I'm not the only one who feels this, so I do think there is something to it, but it is not a pleasant feeling to live with day to day! I really do feel we are in for more affliction. I hope I am wrong, but I don't see people turning towards the truth, so I don't think I am. If we are to suffer more, we have brought it on ourselves (as we always do!), just like the people of Judah here. We have walked our own paths, denying the truth, or not seeking it, failing to consult the Lord, and not listening to his prophets when they speak to us. Our worldly leaders are "stupid," they are leading us right down this path of destruction, and have no shame in lying to us and themselves when it helps achieve their ends. People who do not know God, or do and have turned away from him, are influencing us and leading us. This cannot end well. Hence, the feeling of foreboding.


But, there is hope, great hope! I do see real signs of renewal in the Church. Also, in my own life, God has taught me that total trust in him always brings what is best. He has corrected me "in just measure," and I have seen the fruits of that correction. If the Church, the country, and the world, are due for a divine correction, and it seems to me we may be, it will be for the best in the end. So we must trust!


"Pray, hope, and don't worry!" - St. Padre Pio.