
Alicia's Bible Blog



Ezekiel 46:1 "Thus says the Lord God: 'The gate of the inner court that faces east shall be shut on the six working days; but on the sabbath day it shall be opened and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.'"


 In this section of Ezekiel, the angel of God is giving Ezekiel a visionary tour of the new temple and prescribing God's rules and laws for its construction and use. This is happening while the people are still in exile (Ezekiel 40:1). God is clearly getting ready to bring them back, and He wants Ezekiel to know what the temple and proper worship should look like.


Seven is a number of completion in the Bible. In terms of days, the seventh day is not the final day of work when the thing being worked on is completed, it is the day after that day, the day the Creator rests and enjoys His Creation, and the day we rest and celebrate our Creator. So for the six working days of man, the inner court gate remains shut, but on the seventh day, the day of rest and worship, it is opened to allow the proper worship of that special day, and to allow the people to be even closer to, and in greater communion with, their God.


There are always repeating iterations of God's Truth. He created for six days and rested on the seventh; we work for six days and rest and worship on the seventh. But I am also coming to understand that since Creation, humanity is in the "six days" of salvation history, and is awaiting the seventh; the day when we will be in even closer communion with God, and the devil will be unable to interfere, having been chained for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3). That period of peace will be the period preceding the end times, it will prepare humanity for the final coming of Christ (and for the final onslaught of Satan, which will come when his thousand year imprisonment is over (Revelation 20:7-10)). Having experienced the graces of this seventh day, the Church, including all of us, will be more than ready for marriage to the Lamb.


As I read The Book of Heaven, Jesus' Revelations to Luisa Piccarreta about the coming Kingdom of the Divine Will, it is becoming more and more clear to me that this Kingdom is the "seventh day" of salvation history. The Kingdom of the Divine Will promises that humanity will be returned to an Adam-and-Eve-like state with our Creator (see, for example, Luisa's entry for February 28, 1924, quoted below). Jesus revealed to Louisa that this is what the world is on the verge of. Yes there will be great sufferings and worldly upheavals before this can come in full, obviously, since we are in such a bad state. But it is coming, and it makes perfect sense, although I would not have guessed at something like this had I not heard and read of it. Now that I have, though, pattern recognition makes it obvious that this is what God is doing. The promises of this Kingdom are sprinkled throughout the 36 volumes of the Book of Heaven, but one good summary is contained in Luisa's entry of May 22nd, 1919, where Jesus says "all of my works are complete; so, the glory that the creature must give me will be complete; and the last day will not come if the whole creation does not give me the honor and the glory wanted and established by me.... This is why I am preparing the Era of the living in my Will, so that, for what they have not done in the past generations, and will not do, in this Era of my Will they will complete the love, the glory, the honor of the whole Creation, as I give them astounding and unheard of graces." 


(Also, I find it interesting that in Ezekiel God says the inner court gate shall be opened on the day of the full moon in addition to the sabbath day. The moon is a symbol of Mary, who reflects her Son’s light as the moon does the sun. Mary has told us that in the end, her Immaculate Heart will triumph. That day of triumph could well be the day of the full moon, and the dawning of the seventh day.)


We are, I believe, in the sixth day of salvation history. It is still a work day for us and for God, so we are not to get comfortable (as if we could!). In fact, there is a tremendous amount of work to be done since we are getting ready for the seventh day, the day of rest. But I find it so incredibly exciting to live in these times! The seventh day may not come in my lifetime, but it is so close I can feel it. I rejoice for humanity that this is what God has planned for us!



"Now, as man withdrew from the Supreme Will, he rejected all these gifts; but the Divinity did not withdraw them into Itself - It left them suspended in Its Will, waiting for the human will to bind itself to Its Will and to enter into the original order created by It, so as to place all the gifts established by It in current with the human nature. So, all the finesses of love, the kisses, the caresses, the gifts, the communications and my innocent amusements which I was to have with Adam, had he not sinned, are suspended in my Will. My Will wants to unload from Itself these piles of goods which It had established to give to creatures, and this is why I want to establish the law of living in my Will - to place all these suspended goods in force between Creator and creature. And this is why I am working in you – to reorder your will with the Divine; in this way I will be able to give the start, and to place in current the many goods which until now have been suspended between Creator and creature. I so much care about this reordering of the human will with the Divine and that the human will live completely in It, that until I obtain this, I feel as if Creation has not had my primary purpose." (Jesus to Luisa, February 28, 1924)