
Alicia's Bible Blog



2 Kings 6:5-6 "But as one was felling a log, his axe head fell into the water; and he cried out, 'Alas, my master! It was borrowed.' Then [Elisha] said, 'Where did it fall?' When he showed him the place, he cut off a stick, and threw it in there, and made the iron float."


This seems like such a minor thing - the head of an axe has flown into in the river and sunk. But the man who had been using the axe, a follower of Elijah, had borrowed the axe and was clearly distressed, so Elijah performed a miracle to help him.


God performs these minor miracles in our lives every day,. He loves us so much, when He sees us distressed and it is something He can remedy within His plan, He fixes it for us. I used to not notice these things, or if I did, thought that they were coincidences or "good luck." But as I have come to see that everything is part of God's plan, I see that it is His hand helping me in these minor stresses of life - like when something precious to me goes missing and then is found in a most unlikely place or manner; or when it seems a necessary expense will have to go undone, and suddenly the money for it comes from nowhere.


Seeing these minor miracles for what they are gives us so much hope and joy in our God! It also helps us in the times when our prayers do not seem to be answered in the way we want. We then remember that God would do it our way if that was best for us, so whatever happens, even if we do not understand it, is the outcome that will help us the most.