Alicia's Bible Blog
Michael 3:1-3. Michael warns the heads of the houses Judah and the leaders of the house of Israel that they are to know justice. God tells them, through Micah, that they quote hate the good and love the evil. " They tear the skin off of God's people, tear their flesh from bone, and eat it. They break up the people's bones, and chop them up like meat in a kettle, like flesh in a cauldron. Wow! Obviously, this is over the top description to really get the point home about how heinously the leaders and the powerful have been treating the people. God sees what they are doing, even if they do not, and he will meet out justice. I say even if they do not because I am coming to see that very often corrupt human beings do not realize the extent of the harm they are doing. People tend to think of themselves as good people, and they forgive themselves there occasional transgressions, but they often do not see the big picture, they do not see the big sins they are committing and the mass of harm they are doing. think of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man may have been a very observant Jew, but his failure to even see Lazarus, much less care for his needs, landed him a place in hell. That is pretty major punishment for something the rich man did not even realize he was doing open friend remember he asked if he could send Lazarus back to warn his brothers not to do the same thing? But that is the point! Power and wealth corrupt us., They make us blind to the whose bones we are breaking. Then, once we have a nerd ourselves to those people, we can start thinking of them as things, as objects to be used for our own pleasure or necessity. Then real abuse starts, as with slavery, abortion, human trafficking, etc. The rich and powerful truly better watch their steps carefully, their path is much more fraught with danger than the ordinary man's.
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