
Alicia's Bible Blog



1 Samuel 30:21-25. As David and his men return from successful battle, they come to the men who were too exhausted to continue into that battle and who had therefore been left to guard the provisions. The men who stayed behind get up and salute David and his men and go out to meet them, but some of the men who fought suggest to David that those who stayed behind should not share in the spoils - they should just be allowed to gather their wives and children and go home. But David says no - God delivered this victory and the spoils to us - all of us shall share in them alike, those who fought and those who stayed with the baggage. And David makes that rule a statute for all of Israel.


This reminds me of the parable of the landowner who hires different men at different times of day to work in his field but pays them all the same. We are all blessed with different gifts and abilities, but the Kingdom of Heaven is promised to us all. When we are called, we must answer with everything in us, but that does not mean that we will be able or even called to do as much as someone else. The men who continued to the fight and won were all able to do it - they had the strength and the stamina. The ones who stayed behind had been fighting and were too exhausted to go on, but they had given what they could to the battle, and they performed a necessary task as well - guarding the provisions.


Once we discern our mission, what God is asking us to do, we often think that our mission is the most important one and can expect everyone else to do what we are doing. (God wouldn't get much accomplished if we were all doing the same thing, or fighting the same battle!) We can sometimes look down on those who are not called to the same mission, or do not have the same abilities we have. But they are called to their own mission, with their own abilities.


Ultimately, every one of us only must answer to God, and he will reward us fully if we have done what he asked of us. Our joy will be complete, there will be no reason to not want it to be shared with others. But even in this life, we must respect and trust others to know their own mission and their own limitations and be working with God on their own terms.