Alicia's Bible Blog
Mark 6:7-13. Jesus sends his disciples out two by two, giving them authority over unclean spirits. He tells them to take nothing but their staffs and to rely on the hospitality of people in the places they go. If any place refuses to hear them, they are to "shake off the dust that is on your feet for a testimony against them." They go out and preach to many, casting out demons, and anointing many sick with oil and healing them.
Quick aside - I always say this as "shake the dust from your sandals" but it's not - it's "shake the dust from your feet"! I guess it's really the same thing - since they're wearing sandals, the dust from their feet would gather there, but I just think it's weird that I always thought it was sandals!
Anyway, here we see Jesus "sending them out." He doesn't go with them - he doesn't lead them or micromanage them - he knows that they have seen and heard enough from him to spread the Word, and he trusts them to do it. He also knows people will be receptive to the Word (it is more attractive than we know!) - so he tells them not to take the food, money, or drink. This accomplishes two things, first, it creates the opportunity - actually the necessity - of the disciples getting into relationship with people. They will have to ask for a place to stay and food to eat. Staying with people and dining with them, is one of the best ways to get into real conversations.
Second, it will show the disciples the appreciation people have for the truth. When I first started feeling like I was being "sent out," I was very hesitant - I felt that people would think I was weird, or would reject me because talking about faith is taboo. So I started by just getting into relationship with people - visiting nursing homes, talking to people I met on the street. Not talking about religion, just getting to know people as people, many if whom I came to love and care about. I see, now, that is evangelization!! We are not sent out to go talk about religion to people we don't know - that is a huge turn off. But when you have a relationship with someone, and when your faith is a big part of your life, it just naturally comes out sometimes in conversation and in the ways that you act. This is where evangelization happens, and it is wonderful!
Of course, there are people who will reject you as soon as you bring up anything to do with religion, or as soon as they realize what a big part religion plays in your life. Those people are just not ready to hear it yet - it is not their time. So Jesus tells us not to waste our time with them, just shake the dust from our feet and move on. It is so freeing when we adopt his instructions: don't worry about material things, they will be provided; be in relationship with people - talk to them, get to know them; and just move on when they don't want to hear what you have to say - don't stay and get into an argument with them, it's not worth it.
Some people are not ready to hear the truth yet, but they will be, maybe when the next disciple comes along (and maybe you've planted the seed)!
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