Alicia's Bible Blog
2 Chronicles 20:18-23 The Moabites, the Ammonites, and the Meunites are coming against King Jehoshaphat and Judah in battle. Before the encounter, Jehoshaphat bows down in worship, and all of the inhabitants of Judah with him. The Levites stand and offer praise. The next day, as battle looms, Jehoshaphat says to the people "Believe in the Lord your God and you will be established; believe his prophets and you will succeed!" Then he appoints people to lead the singing of praise by the army and the people. As they sing, God raises an ambush against their enemies - the Moabites and the Ammonites began fighting with the Meunites "and they all helped to destroy one another."
So Judah was saved without engaging in battle, without the loss of one life.
This is another lesson on the power and importance of right worship and praise. When we put him first and ask for his assistance, he will save us an amazing ways. It is so wonderful! The circular firing squad seems to happen quite often in the Bible, see, for example Judges 7:23, and it is what I see the beginnings of among those who are not following him today. No alliance of his enemies can be held together for long, they will always turn on each other, because they lack the only true unifying force - God.
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