
Alicia's Bible Blog



Acts 5:33-42. The council is enraged when the apostles tell them they cannot stop preaching in Jesus' name, and the priests want to kill the apostles, but one Pharisee, Gamaliel, stops them. He orders the apostles to be taken outside and then reminds the council of other preachers who amassed fanatic followings. When these men were killed or died, their followers dispersed. He says if Jesus is not from God, the same will happen with his apostles, but if He is from God, the council will not be able to overcome His followers. The council agrees and calls the apostles back to have them beaten and once again charged not to speak in Jesus' name. The apostles, on being released, rejoice that they were worthy of suffering dishonor for Jesus' name, and they continue to preach Jesus as the Christ every day.


I have to admit that I am not yet at the point where I would rejoice like this at suffering for His name, at best I think I woudl accept it with resignation. I have suffered a little for my faith and for following my conscience, and when I do I am always surprised and hurt. I don't know why I am surprised, I shouldn't be, He told us we would suffer if we follow Him. These smaller sufferings are most likely preparing me for greater ones, although the smaller ones seem great enough to me now! In any case, I have to change my reaction to them. Instead of being hurt and surprised, I should be expecting them and rejoice when they happen, although that is definitely easier said than done!