
Alicia's Bible Blog



Proverbs 24:25. "[T]hose who rebuke the wicked will have delight, and a good blessing will be upon them."


It is a Spiritual Work of Mercy to correct the sinner, something that seems is often forgotten in our "You shall not judge" focused world. There is a difference between judging (thinking you know the state of someone else's soul before God) and correcting (seeing someone else going astray and guiding them back to righteousness).


I have to admit that I struggle with this, especially with all the wickedness in the world today. The prevalent tolerance of sin seems to be seeping into good people and blinding their consciences. I try not to rebuke, but I do, if the opportunity presents itself, try to gently speak the truth to people I see being led astray. It has not been leading to delight, though, as this proverb promises! In fact, it rarely goes well, and has led to me estranged from many people I love.


Perhaps God is trying to tell me that I should be more strong in rebuking the wicked? The thing is, I don't think the people I love are wicked, I think they are misguided and not properly thinking things through. So I don't think they deserve rebuke, just a gentle nudge - but even that causes such anger or coldness that I can't face doing it anymore.


Perhaps I am failing in this spiritual work of mercy. If I am, Lord, please give me the grace, wisdom, and strength to properly carry it out in Your Will.