
Alicia's Bible Blog



Matthew 6:8. "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." Jesus is about to teach His apostles the Lord's Prayer, but first He warns them not to pray as others do by heaping up empty phrases and thinking "they will be heard for their many words." (Matthew 6:7).


I feel like this is a very personal message for me this morning. I was thrown off today by a bad night's rest that caused me to oversleep. This made me miss my usual morning prayer routine and go to a later than usual morning Mass. That scheduled Mass ended up being a prayer service, so I sought out an even later Mass elsewhere. Consequently, I have been feeling "behind the eight ball" all day, trying to catch up in my prayer, but not feeling satisfied with it. It feels like I am just saying words, so then I try different prayers, more words. I think I have ended up babbling, and Jesus is reminding me to say a mindful Our Father, place all my concerns and distractions in His loving hands, and get on with my day, trusting that He knows what I need, and what my heart is trying to say.