
Alicia's Bible Blog



Micah 1:6. "Therefore I will make Samaria a heap in the open country, a place for planting vineyards; and I will pour down her stones into the valley and uncover her foundations." God has had it with Samaria and Jerusalem, their wickedness is too great and He must allow them to fall in order for His people to learn their lessons, and their foundations to be repaired.


I often wonder for us, in America, in the world, and in the Church, if our wickedness is so great that God must allow us to fall. Many people seem to pin their hopes on one thing or another, but those things, like an election, do not seem to me like they will solve the underlying evil that is eating away at our foundations. That evil is so vast, and so entrenched, I don't think anyone can fix it but God, and the way God fixes things is by allowing us to suffer the consequences of what we've done, which is, of course, very painful.


I think we still need our foundations to be uncovered. There is rot there that must be exposed and repaired before we can begin rebuilding anything.