
Alicia's Bible Blog



2 Corinthians 5:11. "Therefore, knowing the fear of the Lord, we persuade men; but what we are is known to God, and I hope it is known also to your conscience."


At one point during the last few years, when I was lamenting to my Gospel Group group about my pain from being judged and cut off by my family, one of my friends said to me "Alicia, God knows what you are doing." I found such comfort in her words, as I do in Paul's words here. "What we are is known to God." Yes, yes it is. He knows what I have done and why I've done it. He knows my thoughts and motivations. He knows I am trying to persuade and protect those I love. He knows me inside and out and He loves me, and I Him.


I wish who I am was known to the consciences of those I love, but apparently it just isn't right now. Or maybe it is, deep down, and that is why they have been so cruel. Maybe they cannot reconcile who they know me to be with who the media and the culture tell them people who think like me are.


In any case, as painful as as it has been, I am grateful for everything because it has made me turn to God as the one person who loves me unconditionally. I would not trade my relationship with Him for anything in the world! When Jesus asked St. Thomas Aquinas what he would like as a reward for writing of Him so well, St. Thomas replied "Only you, Lord." Amen, brother!