Alicia's Bible Blog
Jeremiah 36:4-10. Jeremiah commissions his secretary Baruch to write in dictation everything the Lord has said to Jeremiah and take it to the house of the Lord and read it to the people. Jeremiah is prohibited from going into the house of the Lord, so he sends Baruch, hoping that the people will finally hear and really listen to what God is telling them "and everyone will turn from his evil way, for great is the anger and wrath that the Lord has pronounced against this people."
Jeremiah has been deep platformed! Banned from Twitter and Facebook... I mean from the house of the Lord!:) So how does he get his message out? He sends a surrogate - he sends Baruch.
People react badly when they are clinging to their sin and to their comfortable lies that justify that sin (I know this from experience!). They really don't want to be told that God is very angry. But when God is truly angry, he always gives his people a chance to repent and reform. He does this by raising up prophets to warn the people. As I have said before, prophecy is a thankless job - either you are successful and the people change so all of your dire warnings look like crazy fear-mongering; or you fail and everyone suffers because they wouldn't listen.
Jeremiah often felt the personal effects of the failure of the people to listen. They were awful to him, yet God kept sending him out to speak to them. Even when they banned him from the house of the Lord for being a rabble-rouser, God still spoke to Jeremiah and Jeremiah is still found a way to get his message out - by using Baruch.
This is so hard - to keep going and speaking when everyone is trying to silence you or worse. But it has to be done if God is telling you to do it. This is one way of telling who the true prophets are - when they speak out despite all of the hatred and vitriol leveled against them, when they find a way to get the Word out, even when traditional means of communication are closed to them, it must be because God is pushing them to do so!
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