
Alicia's Bible Blog



Judith 9:5-6. "For thou hast done these things and those that went before and those that followed; thou hast designed the things that are now, and those that are to come. Yea, the things that thou didst intend came to pass, and the things thou didst will presented themselves and said, 'Lo, we are here'; for all thy ways are prepared in advance, and thy judgment is with foreknowledge."


Judith is about to embark on a very dangerous, very brave, and very solitary mission to save her people. As she prays here, she is acknowledging and taking courage in the fact that nothing happens without God's permission. Everything that happens in all of time is either part of God's perfect will or His permissive will, it is part of His plan. So she is praying that He will see the actions she is about to take are done for Him and His people and will bring good from them. She is, essentially, praying to to merge her will with God's and her actions with His plan, which is exactly the right way to begin anything. 


We know God loves us and we know His ultimate desire and plan is to reunite all of creation to Him through the Blood of His Son. God is the only one we can trust implicitly to have nothing but our ultimate best interests at heart, so no matter what suffering, trials, or burdens we experience here, with faith in Him we can bear them, knowing that He is accomplishing something wonderful. His plan has been in place since the beginning, His ways are "prepared in advance," down to the most mundane aspects of our lives. God has seen us from the beginning of time, has placed us when and where He wants us, and has granted us all our blessings and allowed all our burdens for a very particular reason - to give us and everyone else the greatest chance of getting to Heaven. That does not mean we don't suffer, but we suffer as Christ did, knowing that this is the way to Heaven. All things can be borne with joy when we understand this and surrender ourselves to His Divine Providence.


(Also, this passage reminds me of a post about God's plan and quantum physics I did on Reddit a few years ago, before I had a blog. Here it is, please share any thoughts you have!)