Alicia's Bible Blog
Zechariah 10:1-2. "Ask rain from the Lord... who gives men showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field. For the teraphim utter nonsense, and the diviners see lies.... Therefore the people wander like sheep; they are afflicted for want of a shepherd."
This reminds me of part of the Novena of Surrender (which is so awesome, by the way!). The whole novena is about surrendering to God and trusting him. On Day 6, Jesus says "you surrender to human strength, or worse - to men themselves... This is what hinders my words and my views." God is in control (he is the quantum observer of the universe :-) (see my lengthy Reddit post for more of my thoughts on that!)). He created the earth and everything in it for us - all of us - each of us. He will provide for us - he has created a world that does provide for us. When the rains don't come, and the crops won't grow, ask him for assistance first, not the diviners, not our worldly, secular "experts." It may very well be that he will use those experts to give us what we need - but we have to turn to him first - he is our shepherd!
Update: This was the perfect reading for Good Shepherd Sunday! Also, I love this tweet so much!
Jesus: "Which animal should I use in my parables to help people understand how they act? Oh, I know."
— Sr. Theresa Aletheia ☠️ (@pursuedbytruth) April 18, 2021
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