
Alicia's Bible Blog



Ezekiel 12:26-28. The people hearing Ezekiel's prophecies are saying that they must apply to some time in the future, to things that are to happen in times of far off. So God says to Ezekiel - tell them "None of my words will be delayed any longer, but the word which I speak will be performed."


Maybe "soon" is sooner than I think! I wrote in He is Coming Soon about the messages I have been getting, but I qualified them by saying that I don't know what "soon" means to God - it could mean centuries. Was I being like those listening to Ezekiel? Saying "he prophesies of times far off "? Maybe the message for me in these words today is that soon means soon. Maybe God is saying to me "Look, dummy, I wouldn't go to all the trouble to get you to this point, to give you these messages and dreams, if the need wasn't truly urgent - so go preach my urgency! "


So this is me, doing that - He is coming soon and let's not delude ourselves that soon doesn't mean soon, like I have been doing!