
Alicia's Bible Blog



Jeremiah 26:1-6. In the beginning of the reign of Jehoiakim, the Lord tells Jeremiah to go to the court of the Temple and proclaim to all the nations of Judah the words that God will give him, and not to hold back a single word. It may be, says God, that they will listen and finally turn from their evil ways in which case God will repent of the evil he intends to do to them because of their evil doings. Jeremiah is to say "Thus says the Lord: if you will not listen to me, to walk in my law which I have set before you, and to heed the words of my servants the prophets whom I send to you urgently, though you have not heeded, then I will make this house like Shiloh and I will make this city a curse for all the nations of the earth."


This was also one of the readings for Bible in a Year this morning, so God really must want me to think on it! God sends Jeremiah to the Temple to proclaim these words. The Temple was the most important thing in the lives of the Jewish people. Even those already in exile could comfort themselves by knowing that proper worship was still going on in the Temple. But God here threatens to allow the Temple's destruction ("I will make this house like Shiloh"). The place where God promised always to dwell is on the table because of the wickedness of the people! God does not want to destroy the Temple, nor his people, he desperately is trying to bring them back. He has sent them prophets urgently, He has allowed greater and greater sufferings, yet still they do not listen.


So why am I getting this reading twice today? Am I the one who is not listening? I don't think so - I am trying so hard to walk in His ways. I am asking him every day to show me His will and promising that I will do my best to do it. Do I mess up sometimes? Of course! My ego, my pride, my humanity, often get in the way. Then I go to confession and start over again. But in general, I am trying very hard to listen and obey and I've received much peace and joy from this and even some messages indicating to me that I am on the right path. So, while we can always listem more, myself included, I don't think that is the main point for me today. 


So, then, am I the prophet who is supposed to go out and proclaim to all the people, not holding back a word, that we are in the brink of destruction due to our evil ways? Yes, I think I am. But how do I do this? This blog is one way, but it is so minor - who knows if I am actually reaching anyone?! I keep trying to warn my social and family circles, but many just ignore me, or insult me, or cut me off, and it is incredibly painful. Am I to keep trying with them? It seems so hopeless! And if I am to keep trying, what is the right time, place, and manner to do it? This is where I often mess up. I don't want to alienate people any further!


I have seen, though, that God gives me opportunities. Perhaps it is enough that I just keep myself open to them and ready to speak His word when the time comes. I am not Jeremiah, after all, I am me, and God has a different plan for me and this is a different time for prophecy.