
Alicia's Bible Blog



Deuteronomy 19:18-19 "[T]he judges shall inquire diligently, and if the witness is a false witness and has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him as he had meant to do to his brother; so you shall purge the evil from the midst of you."


Lying is so damaging to the world and God's plan that it demands justice. Satan is the father of lies, he knows how lies undermine goodness and love, and he knows how easily we can be tempted to lie. So he relies heavily on lies to lead us into sin.


Let's face it, we have all told lies, hopefully nothing along the lines of falsely accusing someone of something, but what we, at the time, considered "little white lies." Even these, though, are a direct affront of God, who is Truth itself, and they often lead to much bigger lies, and much greater sin (the "tangled web," and all that).


Once we've lied, we have created a false reality in that one small area of our lives. If we are not willing to immediately repent when we are called to task for it (and we will be, even if not until our particular judgment), it becomes something we must protect; it becomes a false creation, spoken into being by our false words, for which we alone are responsible. Since only God can create reality, our false realities will not survive, but can last long enough to do great damage indeed! (This, by the way, is exactly what the devil does to us - his lies tell us things will make us safe, or happy, or content, and they do for a little while, but eventually their false comfort is revealed through reality). Even those "little white lies" are ones we usually don't want to admit telling, so if someone confronts us on one, even if they are simply questioning us in all innocence, we usually react badly, and double down on the lie or try to justify ourselves.


This is the path of sin, and it creates so much trouble in the world. In many ways, I think the animosity and hatred we are seeing in our political sphere is in large part due to lies (or "spin," or whatever you want to call it) that got out of control. People relied on political spin as truth, to the great detriment of their personal lives, relationships, and our country. Now the spinning politicians and agency heads, some of whom even seem to have come to believe their own lies, feel threatened by any incoming representatives of the "other side." Their lies got out of control, and so many people suffered because of them, that they cannot allow anyone in power who might reveal the truth. This revelation of truth is starting to happen in England now with the horrific child rape gangs that were covered up for political purposes finally coming to light.


The truth always comes out, although often a lot more slowly than we would like. Usually, the delay is to give time for repentance and mercy. God abhors lies, but He loves the sinner. In the Old Testament, justice was harsh and quick so that God's newly-freed people would learn the consequences of sin. Jesus, though, preached mercy and love, trusting us to love the sinner as He does. However, those who take advantage of this mercy and love to cling to their lies and harm God's people will eventually face His justice.