
Alicia's Bible Blog



Acts 28:30-31. Paul, having been brought to Rome as a prisoner, lived there "two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ quite openly, and unhindered." 


Paul is in Rome as a prisoner, awaiting a hearing before Caesar, but you wouldn't know it from this description. This seems more like Paul moved to Rome for two years to spread the Gospel and, in essence, that is what he has done! It would be tempting for many of us in Paul's position, having gone through what he has gone through, and awaiting a trial before the most powerful man in the world, to be angry, worried, bitter, and/or scared, and to let those emotions rule our lives while we awaited our fate. But giving in to those emotions would prevent us from getting anything done, and would squander the time we had left! Paul is living in God's will, so he does not worry about what has happened to him or what will happen to him, he knows he is in God's hands. This gives Paul incredible freedom, and he uses that freedom to take every opportunity to evangelize.


Paul ended up with an unexpected two years of relative freedom in Rome. Because he did not let himself get bogged down in worrying, or anxiety, or bitterness, or anger, but instead trusted God to see to his every moment, Paul was able to make the most of those two years by doing what he loved best - telling others about Jesus Christ! 


I can't believe I've finished Acts of the Apostles! It was an incredibly wonderful journey, I feel I have learned so much that will help me in the coming years. I'm thinking about publishing my Acts entries into book form, so I am going to take a little time off from blogging in order to investigate what is involved in that.


Peace and blessings to everyone! We are living in very exciting times - let us make the most of the days we have just like Paul did!