
Alicia's Bible Blog



Acts 2:43-47.  Immediately after the first Pentecost and the baptism of thousands, "fear came upon every soul; and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles." All those who believed came together and shared everything in common. They sold their possessions and contributed all to the group to be distributed according to need. As they went through each day, attending temple and breaking bread together in their homes, they had glad and generous hearts, "praising God and having a favor with all the people." And each day, the Lord added to their number more people who were being saved.


How exciting it must have been to be part of these first Christians! The apostles were performing wonders, fear was rampant in the land, and these people had the answer! Each day, they felt more joy, each day they shared all with generous hearts, and each day they praised God and had favor with the all the people. The people who were feeling the fear (which was due to the fact that God had been killed, whether they knew it or not) were attracted to this joy (which was due to the fact that God had been raised from the dead, whether they knew it or not). They were drawn to this small group that was obviously not afraid. Thus, the Holy Spirit continued His work of drawing more and more into the Church in these early, heady days!