Alicia's Bible Blog
Micah 6:9-16. The Lord is crying out to the city and it would be wise to heed him. He asks - can I forget your wickedness? Your rich men are full of violence; your inhabitants speak lies, therefore he has begun to smite you. You shall be made desolate because of your sins. You shall eat, but not be satisfied; you shall put away, but not save, and what you do save, the Lord will give to the sword. You shall sow and not reap. All of this because you have worshipped false gods and walked in their counsels.
So, this is happening now - it is so obvious to me! God is speaking to us, now, in everything that is happening, it would be very wise to heed him. I think more people are waking up every day to hearing him in all of this. It reminds me of the gospel from a few weeks ago where God spoke, but some just heard thunder. We have to have ears to hear. All of the bad stuff that is happening is his way of speaking his warnings to us.
Is it too late? Never on an individual basis is it too late, but the "city" (our country) may be doomed to desolation. This is the cyclical nature of this - when a nation or culture that is his goes so far astray (as we definitely have), it will fall - it is spiritual physics. When there is no truth supporting a nation, culture, group, or even person, it must fall.
The 'making us desolate" has already begun - we are eating but not being satisfied - everyone is in a state of unease - looking for "the answer" and not finding it. We are sowing, but not reaping - look at the extreme focus on sex - as a good in and of itself - with no consideration of its purpose, just sex for "love's" sake. The consequences, human life, can and should be discarded if not wanted. We are in a very bad place. We are putting away, but not saving , and I do believe what we have managed to "save" will be taken from us.
Don't be too attached to anything, but do trust in God! Always remember that everything that happens, everything that is taken from us, is part of Divine Providence - surrender to it!
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