
Alicia's Bible Blog



1 Timothy 5:9-16. Paul's instructions to Timothy in Ephesus on the role of widows in the newly forming church. Paul says widows of 60+ years of age who had only one husband may be "enrolled," as long as they are well attested for and have done Christian works - have "done good in every way." But younger widows are not to be enrolled because they will probably want to marry again, and this will violate their "first pledge" to Christ. (It's really like Paul is describing nuns here.) Besides wanting to marry again, Paul says younger widows tend to have too much time on their hands, and they go "gadding" about, engaging in gossip, being busybodies, and saying what they should not. So they should remarry and raise children. If any woman has a widow in her family, she is to help that woman so that the Church can devote its assets to helping the "real" widows - that is those who truly have no one else.


So, there's no denying that this is sounds a bit sexist, but Paul was a trying to establish rules that would work in a practical way and on a larger scale. Also, remember that women had a much lower place in society, and often were unable to care for themselves when they were widowed. Paul is laying out rules for their care, which is a very Christian thing to do. Younger widows should remarry so as to be supported by their husbands, and to have and raise children; families should support widows within the family; and the Church will help those with no one else. I imagine part of the concern could have been widows wanting to pledge themselves entirely to Christ that is, "enroll," in order to be supported by the Church for the rest of their lives. Paul wants to make sure the only ones "enrolling" are those who truly have a dedication to that calling.


I think, though, that I got this reading today because I was just thinking yesterday about how I sometimes say too much. Lately, with all the craziness in the world, I often vent to friends. While definitely needed sometimes, other times I am just saying what I should not. Paul's warning against women gossiping and talking too much, while grating on my modern sensibilities, hit home a bit. I think the Holy Spirit was checking me this morning. Lesson learned!