
Alicia's Bible Blog



Acts 17:22-34. Having been brought by skeptical and curious philosophers to the Areopagus, Paul speaks to the Athenians of God and salvation. He begins by noting that Athens seems a very religious city with its many objects of worship. He noticed an altar to an unknown god, and he says what they worship as unknown, he now proclaims to them. There is but one God who made all of heaven and earth. He is not served by humanity, needing nothing from us, but gives all of us life and breath. He divided us into nations for allotted periods in the hope that we will feel after Him, seek Him, and find Him. He is not far from any one of us - we all live, move, and have our being in Him. God is not a created thing like gold, silver, or human artwork from the imagination of men. "The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all men everywhere to repent." He will judge the world through a man he has appointed, a man he raised from the dead. On hearing Paul's speech, some mocked him, but others asked to hear more, and some even came to believe, including Dionysius, Areopagus, and a woman named Damaris.


Paul is feeling the urgency of the message. He and the apostles truly believed that Christ's return and the judgment of the world was imminent, so he's not holding back. He wants everyone to have an opportunity to be saved, and it is up to him and the disciples to get the message out. People must know that Jesus has come, He has been raised from the dead, He has redeemed mankind, and He will be returning as the just judge. God has been tolerant of ignorance thus far, but now that the Truth has been revealed, he is calling all men to repent and gain salvation.


Paul is right, of course, but just has the timing wrong. There were a whole lot more people that God wanted to create and save! Here we are 2,000 years later and it sure feels again like God is calling everyone to repent because Jesus is coming soon. Like Paul, we could be very mistaken about the timing, but that does not change the message - the Truth has been revealed, we must come to believe it for our salvation. In fact, the truth was revealed over 2,000 years ago. The Athenians at least had the excuse of ignorance until they heard from Paul, but what is our excuse? Modern Western nations were formed and based on the principles of Christianity, but are turning away from them at a rapid pace. We have grown complacent, sinful, and forgetful of God's promise. We know from the Old Testament that that never ends well.


Ignorance of the law is no excuse for those to whom it has been revealed. So let's get out there like Paul and evangelize, even when we're mocked for it. Souls are at stake!