
Alicia's Bible Blog



Psalm 8. God is so majestic! His glory is chanted by the mouths of children. He has founded a bulwark because of his foes, " to steal the enemy and the avenger. " When we look to the heavens and the stars we wonder " what is man that you are mindful of him? " Yet he is mindful of us - he has made us little less than God and he crowns us with glory and honor. He has given us dominion over all things and has put under our feet all of the animals. It is pretty mind-boggling sometimes to think about this - the creator of the universe cares about me! How can I possibly deserve that? I don't and I can't, but he loves me so much that he sent his only son to suffer and die for me. It's just mind-blowing! He saw the trouble we got ourselves into and established a bowl work against it to still the enemy and the avenger. This is why we can still enjoy this life so much and all of creation. If God it's not stepped in and put some breaks on the prince of this world, we would be completely doomed and the world would be a horrible place. But God loves the world and he loves us so he did establish protection for us. We'd best be careful not to let those protections crumble and the adversary into our lives. It seems that he has lately been the devil has lately been given much leeway, probably because we are bypassing the defenses that were established to protect us and letting him in. It is well past time for us to look back to God and ask him to take us back and reestablish our defenses.