Alicia's Bible Blog
Psalm 69:12 "I am the talk of those who sit in the gate, and the drunkards make songs about me." David is talking about how "zeal for [God's] house has consumed" him (Psalm 69:9), even as he bears insults and lies from the many who "hate [him] without cause" (Psalm 69:4). The gossips and drunkards talk of him, but David continues to look to the Lord for help, trusting that "in an acceptable time" his pleas will be answered (Psalm 69:13).
That "acceptable time" does come, but it is so difficult waiting for it! While we wait, it seems the insults and hurts get worse and worse. We feel we are sinking "in deep mire where there is no foothold" (Psalm 69:2); we grow "weary with crying" (Psalm 69:3); we feel we are being called upon to restore what we did not steal (Psalm 69:4), to apologize for things we did not do.
All of this, I believe, is to test our faith and make it stronger. St. Peter said we "suffer various trials" "now for a little while" so that "the genuineness of [our] faith, more precious than gold ... may redound to praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:6-7).
David knew in his heart that his trials would not last forever, but as he was going through them, he felt the pain of them intensely. He never stopped believing in God though, and trusting that He would see him through. That has to be our goal, as well. As we suffer "for a little while" (which, honestly, can seem like forever!) the insults and hatred of those who wrongly think they have us all figured out and have cast us as the "bad guy" in the stories they are telling themselves, we trust in God, who really does have us all figured out. He knows our hearts and intentions as He did David's. He will lovingly be with us as we suffer, and asks us to join our suffering to that of Christ, whose treatment was even worse than David's. (In fact, we read from this Psalm during the Lenten Stations of the Cross: "I looked for pity, but there was none. They gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink." (Psalm 69:20-21).)
There is no suffering that we go through that Christ has not also borne for us. Just as the acceptable time came for His resurrection and our salvation, so, in a little while, will come the time of our vindication and joy. In the meantime, we continue to pray for those who sit in the gate talking about us. God wants to save them to, and our prayers and patience with them can help Him in that regard.
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