
Alicia's Bible Blog



Psalm 89:46-52. The psalmist asks "How long, O Lord?" How long will "thy wrath burn like fire"? Remember how long our lives are - and how vain we are. No one of us can escape death, we need God's steadfast love to get us through this. Remember how those who serve you are scorned, insulted, and mocked. But still, "Blessed be the Lord for ever! Amen and Amen."


This is how so many of us are feeling right now - "How long, O Lord?" We are so unaccustomed to suffering, fortunately (or maybe unfortunately)! This long period of decline, suffering, corruption, and acquiescence to evil just seems almost unbearable. And all of that is on top of our own personal, daily sufferings, and so many have crosses that are so very heavy right now. It really does seem so unfair!


Those who go along with the secular, party line look at us and don't understand why we don't just come along with them - everything would be so much better if we just agreed! But we can't! There is objective Truth, and for some things (not all, yet) we know what that Truth is. God, the Church, morality, even our hearts tell us what the Truth is. If we deny it, we are denying God, denying Christ, who is the Truth. So we stand up for it and, on top of all of our other sufferings, we are mocked, insulted, and ridiculed. It is so awful, and we do plead with God, asking "How long?" Where is your steadfast love? Why do you allow your servants to be treated this way?


But then, there is the last line - "Blessed be the Lord for ever! Amen and Amen." He is blessed, he knows the only right thing, he is the Truth, he will prevail, and he will save us and protect us, not necessarily in this life, but most assuredly in the next. Speaking for myself, my problem is that I was spoiled by all of his blessings, I have had it too good all of my life! I needed the suffering to wake me up to how all of the blessings came from God, and how I was to use them properly. I'm working on it!