
Alicia's Bible Blog



Esther 2:15-18. When Esther is presented to the king, bringing nothing with her but what the eunuch in charge of the women advises, the king immediately loves her more than all the other women available to him. He makes her queen and throws a huge banquet.


I am feeling at odds with myself today. I keep feeling unworthy. I keep thinking of scheduling a lengthy confession in which I go into great detail about all of my past sins. But am I not trusting His mercy? I have gotten strong messages that my past sins are forgiven, and i am to worry about my current state. I have made my feeble attempt at a confession of my past sins before. But, of course, ones that I didn't cover fully keep coming to mind. Am I giving into temptation to doubt? Am I succumbing to the devil who loves to throw our past sins back in our faces? I think I am, but I sometimes still feel so miserable!


I think that God is telling me today with this reading to just relax into His love, that He is crazy about me! I do not have to bring anything with me to Him except what his priests have advised. And I was told in confession that I don't have to go back over past sins, although I can bring them if they are truly bothering me. Esther only took before the king what the eunuch advised, although she could have taken anything to gain the king's attention.


Often, less is more and we have to realize our place. I can't earn His love or buy it - but He is crazy about me nonetheless! He wants to put my sin behind me, he wants to put a crown on my head! He wants to throw a large banquet in my honor! Oh, how I love him!