
Alicia's Bible Blog



Jeremiah 30:21 "Their prince shall be one of themselves, their ruler shall come forth from their midst; I will make him draw near, and he shall approach me, for who would dare of himself to approach me? says the Lord."


In this chapter of Jeremiah, God is promising to restore Israel and Judah; to bring them back from captivity, and reestablish them in their lands. Rather than being ruled by a foreign king, they will have a prince who is one of them, and God will draw that prince to Himself.


Note that God draws us to Him, "for who would dare of himself approach me?", He says. It is said that all prayer is a response, because God is always calling to us, waiting for us to respond. Sometimes He draws us in gently, we appreciate all the good things we have, or the resolution of a difficult situation (like being brought back out of exile!), and we turn to God to thank Him and praise Him. Other times He draws us in through our suffering, especially when we are not responding in any other way. But either way, it is always us responding when we draw closer to Him.


God is always there, waiting, but we often have trouble approaching Him on our own, so He draws us in. Another thing for which to praise and thank Him!