Alicia's Bible Blog
Exodus 28:1-4. God tells Moses to bring Aaron and his sons to be priests for God. Moses shall have holy garments made for them, "for glory and for beauty." Moses is to speak to all those who have the ability to design and craft these garments, those whom God has "endowed with an able mind." They are to make a breast piece, and epha, a robe, a coat of checker work, a turban, and a girdle for Aaron and his sons to serve as priests. The chapter goes on to detail the significance of these garments and what they must look like.
God is establishing his priesthood, and he has a very precise plan for who should be priests and how they should dress. (He has a very detailed plan for everything, so it is not surprising that his plan for his priests gets so much attention in the Bible - what is more important to him to his people than his priests?!) We see here how God has a plan for each of us and gives us each the necessary gifts to carry it out. Aaron and his sons are called to be priests. God has set them apart for this and will arrange for everything they need to do it well.
But God has also called certain people to be the makers of the priestly garments. He says that Moses must find those who have the ability, who God has endowed with an able mind to do this work. This might not seem to us as important a job as Aaron and his sons have been given, but God thinks it is important. So important that he made sure to give the gifts of artistic ability and of craftsmanship to certain people who are among the Israelites. They will feel fulfilled and purposeful when called to this work if they take it on rightly.
We all feel this way when we answer God's call to use our abilities for their proper purpose, whether we are called to the priesthood or to craftsmanship, or anything else. Aaron and his sons were given skills and abilities such that they are able to take on the burden and responsibility of the priesthood. Artists and craftsmen, in general, are of a different personality type - they are expressive with their hands, and generally are not leaders. That is good. that is the beauty of our differences! How boring the world would be if we all had the same skills.
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