
Alicia's Bible Blog



Proverbs 29:9 "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet." 


More and more lately I have found that speaking reason to people, in the calmest and gentlest way possible, often provokes the most outrageous responses! Many people, including those from whom I would have expected more, do not seem able to respond in a rational, civilized manner to a well reasoned argument, or even a simple statement of truth. Instead, I have received vitriol, insults, hatred, stuttering fear, laughter and derision, and/or the silent treatment.


When this first started happening I found it extremely hurtful and did not know what was going on. I came to realize that there is something wrong, something at play that I believe is demonic, but that could be secularly described as the effects of brainwashing or mental manipulation. Reason and wisdom do not just have no effect on these people, they provoke an extremely negative reaction. So I have learned with certain people to just be silent for the most part, and avoid them if I can. I do not want to cause them to sin in their vitriol, but I also do not want to stop speaking the truth or give credence to their false reality.


I do not think most of these people are fools, in fact I know many of them are not, but they are acting like fools in service of a narrative that they will not question, even when it has no basis in reality. So in that respect, they are foolish, if not fools. Their raging, laughter, and lack of quiet when trying to discuss things with them gives that away.