Alicia's Bible Blog
Tobit 10:1-3 "Now his father Tobit was counting each day, and when the days for the journey had expired and they did not arrive, he said 'Is it possible that he has been detained? Or is it possible that Gabael has died and there is no one to give him the money?' And he was greatly distressed."
Tobit was waiting for his son, Tobias, to return with much needed money that Tobit had left in the care of Gabael. Tobit and his family were on the brink: Tobit had become blinded and unable to work; his wife Anna had taken on jobs to see them through but it was not enough; they were arguing; and Tobit had prayed for death. (Tobit 2:9-3:6). When Tobit remembered the money he had with Gabael, he sent his son Tobias to retrieve it so that, after his death, Anna and Tobias could survive a little longer and he and Anna could be properly buried. (Tobit 4:1-4, 20-21) However, unbeknownst to Tobit, Tobias' traveling companion on this journey was the Archangel Raphael who had been sent by God to heal Tobit and a woman named Sarah who was beset by a demon, and to secure Tobias' future with Sarah (Tobit 3:16-17).
Although Tobit was in great distress as he watched for his son's return (not to mention Anna, who was certain Tobias was dead), God was actively taking care of them in an amazing way, a way greater than they could ever have imagined. But even though Tobit and Anna were good and holy people, God did not relieve them of their distress as they waited for Tobias, He let them stay in that state until He was ready to reveal the solution to them.
Just think of Tobit and Anna's worries in this period - they did not have enough money to live; Anna was the only one who could work; Tobit had sent their son on a mission against Anna's wishes, and now he was late in returning; and Anna was stressed about Tobias' safety the entire time, which I'm sure was causing stress in the marriage. It was a terrible time in their lives, a real trial for both of them! We don't know why God allowed them to remain in this state (He could have sent another angel to tell them Tobias was delayed by marriage to Sarah and soon would return, but He didn't, He let them be), but we can be sure there was meaning to it, or God would not have allowed it.
This is so comforting to me! I have often been in this distressed state over the last few years, it still comes and goes at times. I do the best I can in so many difficult situations, but things still seem to not be working out: people are still upset and can't seem to be consoled; money is tight and getting tighter every day; things keep breaking; unexpected expenses and problems arise; etc., etc. I have to remind myself that there is a reason for all of this. I am learning and growing in these trying times.
Meanwhile, I have no idea what God is doing in the background of my life, but I know He is doing something. He is always working for good. Whatever it is is going to be so much better than the measly plans I have made, and the tasks I have undertaken to accomplish them.
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