
Alicia's Bible Blog



Jeremiah 11:9 "Again the Lord said to me, 'There is revolt among the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.'"


Because of this revolt, because the people's "gods have become as many as [their] cities" (Jeremiah 11:13), and each one was walking "in the stubbornness of his own heart" (Jeremiah 11:8), God promised to bring evil on them "which they cannot escape; though they cry to me, I will not listen to them." (Jeremiah 11:11). Jeremiah goes on, "The Lord once called you, 'A green olive tree, fair with goodly fruit'; but with the roar of a great tempest he will set fire to it, and its branches will be consumed." (Jeremiah 11:16). This prophecy is describing the imminent fall of Judah and Jerusalem. There is nothing that can be done at this point to avert it. God is no longer listening to the people of Judah, because for too long they have been speaking to other gods. They have cut themselves off from Him, and He knows the only way to bring them back is through great suffering.


Although we do not know God's plan, nor can we understand His ways (and it is prideful to think that we can), we are meant to read the signs of our times. God communicates with us through the events of our lives and of history, especially when we, or people at large, are not talking to Him otherwise. I would say that there is currently "revolt" among God's people, much like there was at Jeremiah's time, and that we are seeing God's signs showing us that we have cut ourselves off from Him.


We can see revolt even in the great division and dissension within the Church itself right now. This is resulting in unclear teachings to the flock, and a sense among many of confusion leading to discouragement and even apathy. In the world at large, that division and dissension is even more pronounced. At least in the Church, I believe most are trying to figure out what God wants, but are just being confused by the devil and his great influence in world right now. (Mark Mallet, a modern day mystic, wrote that in 2005 he received a clear message that God had lifted the restrainer from the Antichrist, or the devil, or from evil in general, and we can certainly see that now all around us.)


In the world outside the Church, it seems that that most have turned away from God, either somewhat or completely. Many, if not most, are walking in the stubbornness of their own hearts, listening to false gods (of which we, like Judah, have as many as we do cities), and refusing to talk or listen to the one true God. This had led to tremendous suffering for many, especially the unborn, children, and the poor, all of whom hold a special place in God's heart. God, therefore, is allowing things to happen in the world for the sake of justice, or to get our attention, or as chastisements, or all three. The verse about the olive tree, once beautifully laden with fruit, being set fire and consumed really struck a chord with what is happening in California as I write this.


Everything is a sign of our times, because God is always in charge and nothing happens without His permission, either through His perfect or permissive will. If His permissive will is allowing great suffering among us, if He is allowing wars and natural disasters, viruses and bad remedies to combat them, there is a reason for all of it. Wisdom and reflection on Scripture can help us properly interpret God's signs. Also, we may not have Jeremiah, but we have plenty of modern day people telling us to pay more attention to the signs of our times, and that they are all pointing to the fact that we are on the wrong track.


I don't know if there is time for us to repent and atone, maybe there still is! But even if not, remember Ezekiel's vision about Jerusalem's fall, and how those who at least lamented what was happening were saved from the slaughter and sent into exile. They became the remnant, the ones who would eventually come back and rebuild after the destruction, and after the revolution against God was fully put down, including any bit of it they held in their hearts.