
Alicia's Bible Blog



Proverbs 11:8. "The righteous is delivered from trouble, and the wicked gets into it instead." Notice that the righteous "is delivered from trouble", that is, not by his own doing is he saved; yet the wicked "gets into it himself", his trouble is all his own doing. 


God is always looking after us. If we live in His love, trying to do what is right, He will clear the path for us. He will save us from the pitfalls the devil tries to put in our way. He will deliver us from trouble. However, if we turn away from Him, and pursue wickedness, then we put ourselves in trouble. It is all our doing.


Trouble is not the same as suffering. We all suffer, often the righteous more so than the wicked, at least on this earth. "Trouble" here, I think, implies the machinations and lures of the devil and the way we find ourselves bound by them when we choose them over God.