
Alicia's Bible Blog



Ecclesiastes 10:5-6. "There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as it were an error proceeding from the ruler: folly is set in many high places, and the rich sit in a low place."


Preach it, Preacher, I have seen this evil, too! It does appear as if it is "an error proceeding from the ruler" - like it is coming from those in authority over us. In a very real way it absolutely is, the spirit of this evil and corruption is always drawn to the halls of power because that is where it will have the most effect, and also where it will find great satisfaction when it is able to turn rulers against their people's good. But this evil is not proceeding from any particular ruler, at least not in our time. There is no one person in power anywhere in the world of whom we can say "If we just get him out of office, things will go back to normal." A lot of people may think that is the answer, but elections and politics will not solve this problem, it has become much too entrenched. The infection of evil is too deep, it runs through the very veins of power throughout the world.


This really is the spirit of the Antichrist, and a spiritual battle. While we must do our best to resist and fight the evil, we must also accept that we can do nothing without God, and trust that He knows exactly what is going on and will act when and how it is necessary for Him to do so. He may be asking us to do certain things in this battle, and we must be aware, and do them when called, but the victory is not on our shoulders. In fact, the victory has already been won.


Everything this evil does is folly - it is a departure from truth that feeds on itself, getting worse and worse until eventually the folly becomes tragically comedic in its obviousness. Those without ability are raised up to high places, "failing up," as they say. And so we get things like a chief economic advisor to the President not understanding how money works. But the rich who think they are on top of the world, while actually being under the influence of this evil, will eventually realize that they are sitting in the lowest of places. When they do it is our job, if we are in a position to do so, to help them escape their folly and evil and turn to God. It is not easy, but it is something we can attempt with love and truth.


I saw a video of a transgender person receiving a newborn baby in the hospital, a baby that had been born to a surrogate. The video bothered me so much all night for many reasons, mainly because the baby was clearly looking to bond with her mother, and will never get to do do, but also because the entire presentation of this person is over-the-top folly. He or she is putting on a show, and the baby appears to be part of it, while the entire health care and legal systems go along with it. This child is being treated like chattel. The whole thing is indicative of the evil and folly we are living under. To any eye not jaded by the lies we are being told, this scene is patently absurd and, frankly, evil, not because any person in this video is necessarily evil, but because the spirit of evil has blinded them to the reality of what they are doing to God's children. I really do believe that God will not stand for this much longer. In the meantime, we have to speak the truth about things like this, because for some reason, many people can still not see it what folly this is.