
Alicia's Bible Blog



Acts 3:1-10. As Peter and John are entering the temple for prayer, a lame man who begs at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple every day, asks them for alms. Peter tells the man to "Look at us", and the man "fixed his attention upon them, expecting to receive something from them." Peter then tells the man they have no silver or gold, but he will give the man what he has - he says "in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." And the man is immediately healed. He leaps up and enters the temple with Peter and John, leaping and walking and praising God. When the people see this man walking and praising God, a man they know was lame and always sat at the Beautiful Gate begging for alms, "they were filled with wonder and amazement at what happened to him."


When I am asking God for something, or asking the saints to intercede for me, do I "fix my attention" on them? Not always. Very often my prayer is like the man at the gate - asking, but not really looking until there is a hint that I might get what I want. I feel like the words of Peter, "Look at us", are a command to me. I must look at the saints - they have lessons for me - simply seeing them and knowing their lives will help me. I must look at God - really let Him see me, and really try to see Him for who He is. That seeing alone may be enough to answer my prayer.