
Alicia's Bible Blog



2 Chronicles 1:15 "And [King Solomon] made silver and gold as common in Jerusalem as stone, and he made cedar as plentiful the sycamore of the Shephelah."


Solomon did indeed make the kingdom of Israel rich beyond anything the Jews had ever imagined. After inheriting the kingdom from his father David, a great king who had made Israel a great kingdom, Solomon at first increased Israel's power and wealth and glory, walking in the ways of his father and in the ways of God. But Solomon eventually began to turn to false gods, and the kingdom of Israel would not survive intact under the reign of his son, Rehoboam.


Last night some of us were discussing why so many people, especially young people, have left the Church. There are many reasons, to be sure, but one I have heard, even from my own children, is that they simply do not feel they need it. I think, in many ways, we are too rich (or at least we have been, that seems to be starting to change for all but the most wealthy). We have been spoiled in the wealth and comfort we enjoy. We have lived in such ease, and raised our children in that ease, that our younger generations do not feel the need for God. They do not realize that all good things come from Him, and they are living in a country that has been blessed by Him because its people were faithful to Him. Our ancestors, and we, like Solomon, made "silver and gold as common as stone" and we, also like Solomon, became so accustomed to our blessings that we took them for granted and stopped teaching our children to thank and praise God for them.


This is the cycle salvation history, which is also worldly history, seems to go through. In our great need, we call out to God; God reaches out to us and saves us; we praise and glorify Him, remembering His salvation; we continue to be blessed because we are properly worshiping our Creator, and our wealth and the other blessings He is bestowing upon us grow; we begin to take those blessings for granted, and are lured to other, "easier", gods (which can be the blessings themselves - like money, family, status, comfort, etc.); things begin to fall apart, eventually leading to a people in great need, yet again.


I think we are currently in stage five and the beginnings of stage six of this cycle - things are beginning to fall apart in noticeable ways. This will lead many to be in great need, in fact many are in great need now, which is very unfortunate, but is also a tried and true way to get us to turn back to God. That is why God lets us suffer when we are far from Him, to call us back. When we turn and call to Him, He will save us, and the cycle will begin again.