
Alicia's Bible Blog



Psalm 22:27-31. "All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord." All the families of all the nations will worship Him. To Him belongs dominion, He alone rules over all the nations. Even the proud shall bow down to Him, all who cannot keep themselves alive. Posterity shall serve the Lord. People will tell of Him to the coming generation "and proclaim his deliverance to a people yet unborn, that he has wrought it."


I know that this will happen eventually, it is promised to us that all nations, all people, will worship the Lord. I get so impatient for it sometimes - why don't people see that the only good and righteous king is God? Especially when things are as bad as they are? But then the next verses tell me why - we have not proclaimed Him to the coming generations. I know I did not do a good job of that with my children and I am seeing the consequences now. That is one reason I love teaching religious education now, to make amends and to instruct the coming generation.


Many young adults today don't know to turn to the Lord in bad times because they have not been taught of Him, or not taught of Him properly. It's time to start changing that and to start proclaiming His deliverance to a people yet unborn.