
Alicia's Bible Blog



Jeremiah 37:6-10. God tells Jeremiah to tell the King of Judah "who sent you to inquire of me," that Pharaoh's army will retreat but that will not be a time of rest. The Chaldeans will come and make war on the city. "Do not deceive yourselves saying, 'The Chaldeans will surely stay away from us,' for they will not stay away." And even if the Jews defeat the entire Chaldean army, the wounded men will rise up and burn the city with fire.


Yesterday I wrote about deceiving others and today I get a warning about deceiving myself! How easy it is to do this - to ignore the signs and even the prophets and just say "Everything is fine, God wouldn't want us to suffer any more, the threat is passed, we are safe now."


I know we are not safe now and we cannot let down our guard. The Chaldeans are coming and they will burn the city. We must be prepared by honestly reflecting on the state of our souls. Let's not deceive ourselves, let's look for truth, even if it hurts. That is the only way to be prepared for what is coming.