
Alicia's Bible Blog



1 Timothy 6:11-16. Paul advises Timothy to shun worldly things and to "aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness." He says to fight the good fight of the faith and take hold of the eternal life Timothy was called to when he "made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses," and in the presence of God and Jesus Christ who himself made the good confession in his testimony before Pilate. Paul charges Timothy to keep the commandment until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which will be made known at the proper time by God, our King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he who dwells in unapproachable light, who no man has seen or can see, and to whom belongs all honor and eternal dominion.


The term "making the good confession" is used here differently from going to confession, here Paul seems to mean confession as testifying to the fact that Jesus Christ is Lord, the only Son of God the Father. That testimony, especially in front of witnesses, seals us, brings us into his protection, and calls us to eternal life with him.


In my Saint Faustina reflection for today, she writes of God's majesty enveloping her while in a church. She was terrified but also filled with peace and joy. Paul touches on those kinds of feelings here when he describes God as dwelling "in unapproachable light, who no man has seen ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion." I don't think I fully appreciate the majesty of God. I love him, and I feel like I have a very good relationship with him, especially through his Son and the Holy Spirit. But I should contemplate more on his absolute majesty, power, and dominion. He is truly our King of Kings, yet I often approach him more as a friend. I don't think that that is necessarily bad, but it doesn't give him his full due, and I should strive to do that.