Alicia's Bible Blog
Ecclesiastes 7:14. "In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider; God has made the one as well as the other, so that man may not find out anything that is after him."
This is very good advice - be joyful and thankful when things are going well, but consider where you may have gone wrong when they aren't. God gives both good times and bad things to everyone, so there is reason for each in our lives. However, as in my reading from Job just a few days ago, What Is the Point of Our Suffering, sometimes our times of adversity are not due to anything we've done. Nonetheless we should always, as Ecclesiastes says, consider in those times. First, consider whether we have done anything that may have led to this adversity. Very often we have. But even if we truly have not, continue to consider, because this will bring us closer to God.
Job considered, and prayed, and lamented, and eventually God responded to him. Consideration in time of adversity does not always lead to opening our eyes to our own wrongdoing, it can just open our minds and hearts to God Himself and to what he might be trying to accomplish. Or it can lead to us completely trusting Him, even in our adversity.
It is always a good thing to get a better understanding of God, and consideration in adversity can help lead to this.
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