Alicia's Bible Blog
Deuteronomy 23:1-6. Some of the laws given to Moses for the people. A man with crushed testicles or whose male member is cut off shall not enter the assembly of the Lord, nor shall a bastard, even down to the tenth generation. No Ammonite or Moabite shall enter even down to the tenth generation, because they did not meet the people with bread and water as they came out of Egypt and instead hired Balaam to try to curse them, but the Lord turned the intended curse into a blessing. The Israelites shall not seek peace or prosperity with the Ammonites or Moabites forever.
It is difficult, often, for us to understand some of the rules God gave to Moses, although we know there is always a rason. Here, for example, it seems unfair to me that a man with crushed testicles and a cut off member should be excluded from worship. It also seems unfair that a bastard should be excluded from worship. The first are eunuchs, and typically this was done to them against their will. The same is true for bastards, it is not their fault that they were born out of wedlock!
But maybe God is setting these firm rules in order to have people stop making people eunuchs and stop having children outside of marriage. While it is true that some will not be able to worship right now, it will be very beneficial to future generations as the people learn to control their sinful ways in order to allow all to worship. This is how God affects change. And I would imagine that God comforted the excluded eunuchs and bastards and a special way. It seems to me that that is the way he works, having myself received comfort from him when excluded.
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