Alicia's Bible Blog
Romans 8:16. "When we cry "Abba! Father!" it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God."
I have been trying lately to "breathe in" the Holy Spirit; to imagine, as I take a deep breath, the Spirit flooding into me. Yesterday morning, especially, but also this morning, I truly felt it - an exciting but peaceful presence within me, seeping into every part of my body, mind, heart, and soul. I have been asking Jesus to do this, too, especially when I receive communion. I want Him to go everywhere in me and to cleanse and expose anything not in the Father's will, so it can be sent out and I can resist it in the future. He's answering that prayer, and filling me with his Spirit, so now I can cry out "Father!" as a true child of God!
I cannot express my gratitude to God and my love for Him - it is so all consuming at times that I feel I might collapse in joy. I praise you my Lord! You alone are worthy of all praise! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
© 2021