Alicia's Bible Blog
Ezekiel 17:22 "Thus says the Lord: I, too, will pluck from the crest of the cedar the highest branch. From the top a tender shoot I will break off and transplant on a high, lofty mountain." This comes after God reprimands the king of Judah for betraying his oath, and promises his destruction at the hands of Babylon.
The high and mighty of this world might think they are in control, that all their decisions are the ultimate ones, but they are not. God is always in control, He always has the last word, and He is looking out for all his people. God gives those He allows power a lot of leeway to rule, but He expects them, especially the ones of His own family, to know His ways and rule in accordance with them, making decisions in light of what they know to be truth. When God is undermined by those He allows power, he will set things right, as He promised to do here.
God says He will eventually pluck the highest branch of the cedar that is Israel and will replant it on a high mountain. That branch will be planted by His son, the perfect King, and will grow into His Church and His Kingdom. It will put forth branches, bear fruit, and grow into a majestic cedar in which every small bird will find shelter and protection. (Ezekiel 17:23).
Earthly kings can be good or bad, but none are the King of Kings. God promised Israel something so much better than their corrupt kings, or even their good kings. That something was introduced with the coming of the Messiah, and fortunately for us, it is not just for Israel, but for all people. Everyone can take shelter and find peace in the Kingdom of God.
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