Alicia's Bible Blog
Jeremiah 46:22 "She makes a sound like a serpent gliding away; for her enemies march in force, and come against her with axes, like those who fell trees."
This is part of a prophecy against Egypt, who Jeremiah says is coming to her time of punishment. As she retreats from her enemies, she makes a sound like a serpent gliding away. Obviously this is symbolic language, but it reminds me that everything, including sounds, feelings, and sensations, are signs from God. Our favorite and least favorite things make us feel the way they do for a reason.
The almost silent slither of a serpent gliding away is an ominous sound. Usually, we are not even aware of the danger until we hear it, and when we do we feel a sense of foreboding, even though the sound means the danger is pulling back (Or is it? Perhaps it is moving towards us!). Dangerous things trigger negative emotions in us because we are meant to stay away from them.
God has imbued all of Creation with Himself. Beauty is beautiful because God is beautiful. This goes for visual things, but also for sounds, feelings, and every other experience. Because the world is corrupted by sin, however, evil or dangerous things have the opposite effect on us. The serpent is the cursed animal that the devil used to lure man from God, so everything about it tends to set off negative reactions in us. These reactions are like alarm bells - they alert us to the fact that we're dealing with something potentially dangerous or wicked. (Note that if we apply Ignatian discernment rules here, and I think we should, we would only feel the proper alarm bells if we are seeking goodness. People who have given themselves over to evil, are in the process of doing so, or even who may not be fully committed to the good, will often not be sensitive to God's subtle signs, but will often have negative reactions to holy things, instead.)
The beauty of a sunrise, the music of a symphony, the delight of a hug, these are all signs of God's love. There are also personal things that speak to us more intimately of His love. My love of a certain hue of blue that calms me, or a peaceful place in my house where the sunlight streams in, are things of my own that speak to me of God. We all have these favorite things, they are more personal ways that God shows His love to us.
Conversely, while there are practically universal warning signs, like the sound of a serpent; or cold, slimy water; or dirty, smoggy air, there are also things that speak to us personally of wickedness. For me, things like fields and farmlands covered with solar panels, or dancing vials of not properly tested gene therapy "vaccines", or TV shows portraying the overturning of Roe v. Wade as an unimaginable affront to human rights, all get my inner alarm bells ringing like crazy. These reactions are not for no reason. Just as Egypt sounded like a slithering snake because she was a threat, these things raise my hackles because they are things I am supposed to avoid or be wary of.
So pay attention to your favorite and least favorite things; pay attention to the emotions and physical reactions raised by even the most seemingly innocuous of smells, sounds, sights, and sensations. There is a reason they make you feel as you do. If you are seeking goodness, the things that make you feel peaceful are signs of God's love, and the ones that cause disquiet are signs of His warning.
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