
Alicia's Bible Blog



And Now for the Hope!
2021-05-19 13:19 Ezekiel 39:25-29. God, after judging that the time of punishment is done, says that he will now restore the fortunes of Israel and have mercy on them. He will now forget their shame and treachery, and...
The (Much Needed) Wisdom of Silence
2021-05-18 13:04 Proverbs 11:1-12. A list of many of the benefits of righteousness and many of the consequences of wickedness. Interestingly, the first line of my reading for today is "A false balance is an abominatio...
Your Strength May Be Failing, But Be Not Afraid
2021-05-17 09:30 Nehemiah 4:10-14. As the Jews are working on rebuilding Jerusalem's walls, their enemies are plotting to attack them before they can complete the work. The Jews place a guard and pray for guidance...
False Balances (Someone's Got Their Thumb on the Scale!)
2021-05-16 11:16 Hosea 12:7-9  A short reading for today - a warning that Ephraim is a trader using false balances, an oppressor. When Ephraim said "I am rich, I have gained wealth for myself," all his riches could no...
Solomon Evangelizes
2021-05-15 12:24 2 Chronicles 2:1-12. As he begins the work of building the temple, Solomon writes to the king ofTyre to barter for tradesmen and cedar. The majority of this passage is Solomon's letter. He is writ...
Fast Forward
2021-05-14 14:00 Zechariah 7:1-7. The people of Bethel are asking their priests if they still have to mourn and fast in the fifth and seventh months, as they have been doing for seventy years, at God's direction. ...
Temptation is Tempting! (Who Knew?!)
2021-05-13 12:59 Matthew 4:1-11. The temptation of Jesus. Before beginning his mission, Jesus is "led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." There's no sugar-coating going on here - the ...
Promised Land - The Next Generation
2021-05-12 12:44 Joshua 5:2-7.  Joshua is told to circumcise the Israelites a second time. This is because they have been wandering in the desert for forty years and all of the circumcised men have "perished, because ...
When to Prepare for War
2021-05-11 11:58 Joel 3:1-10. God proclaims, through Joel, that a time of war is coming and is necessary in order to gather back his children and protect them. "[I]n those days and at that time, when he restores Judah...
If You Want Justice, Work for Peace (and Trust God)
2021-05-10 12:35 1 Timothy 6:1-10. Paul is urging Timothy to preach some pretty countercultural teachings. He says any Christian who is a slave must regard their master as worthy of all honor, so that God's name i...